Short Film "Remembrance" Now Online

Last November, Chai Sutta Productions entered in the annual 48 Hour Film Project to compete with the other teams in the Dubai filmmaking competition. Though Remembrance did not succeed in the competition (due to disqualification) it went on to tour multiple international film festivals. After its year abroad, the film is now available for viewing online here.

The 48 Hour Film Project is held every year in cities all around the globe. Teams are all given a specific character, prop, and line to use in the film, but draw a random genre, such as Comedy, Drama, Horror, Family, Musical. They then have 48 hours to create the film from scratch and present it to the judges for evaluation. For Dubai's 2014 festival, the character was "Hala Ramzy, Spanish teacher", the prop "a watch", and line "Try to keep calm." Unfortunately it was a seemingly minor mistake of using the line "Try to be calm" which disqualified the film from the competition. Though it was a disappointment to the entire team to be disqualified, they could still take pride in the film they managed to create in only 48 (sleepless) hours!